Custom-Built Homes and Renovations

Residential Sector

At Up To Date Construction Group, we specialize in Custom-Built Homes and Renovations. We serve the Charlotte area, and both North and South Carolina states.

Custom-Built Homes

We design and build custom-built homes tailored to your requirements. We ensure that every inch of your space is optimized and utilized to its fullest potential. We are committed to delivering exceptional buildings that will exceed your expectations.

Whether you are looking to create a cozy retreat, or a functional workspace, our custom-built homes and spaces are the perfect way to go. So why settle for anything less than perfection? Let our team of experts help you bring your dream space to life!

Contact us today to learn more about our custom-built homes and renovation services.

Custom built homes Charlotte North Carolina Up to Date Construction Group


We specialize in renovations that go beyond simply restoring your existing space. Our team of experts will thoroughly clean and repair any damage. We ensure that your space looks and feels as good as new. And if your space requires rebuilding, we will spare no effort in creating a beautiful, functional and comfortable space that meets your every need.

With our dedicated team by your side, you can trust that your renovation project will be completed to the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Contact us today to get started on your custom-built homes or renovation project today.

Home remodeling services Charlotte North Carolina Up to Date Construction Group

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